The Novice Winter Dressage Area 12 Qualifier which had been set to run on 27 November 2002 was moved due to bad weather to 27 February 2022.
This meant that there was a bit of re-shuffle on the original teams participants. However, we were delighted to send two teams - one qualifying, one non-qualifying.
In this event, each horse and rider combination in the team rides a different test, with the team comprising of 2 prelim entries and 2 Novice entries. It wasn't the day for our qualifying team but our late entry non-qualifying team were all placed - taking 3rd and two 7th's, finishing 4th overall as a team out of 18 teams.
Qualifying Team Results
Prelim 12: Abi Clifton & Majd Alijazzera - 63.53% Prelim 2: Laura Williamson & Gijsbert - Retired Novice 28: Jo Kempton &Boleybawn Vival - 63.96%
Non-Qualifying Team Results
Prelim 12: Jayne Harman & BamBam - 67.96 (7th) Novice 24: Emma Pearce & Gamblers Bonanza - 73.70% 3rd place Novice 28: Kaye Popham & Whatever Floats Your Boat - 69.38% (7th)